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Membres > Techniciens > Sound Designers

(346-360 sur 477 résultats)
Kreativ-Sounds 701500 - Roumanie
armageddon -
Art Ofnone GHJK876 - Singapour
Audiogeneticslab -
audiomaniac 37000 - France
Audios 44319 - Etats-unis
PROA complete digital audio recording/mastering facility designed to best accomodate the post audio needs of independent film makers, broadcast producers and editorial content film and video. We specialize in original music production and scoring for film, sound design, dialog editiing, ADR re-recording, Sound Effects recording, production and mastering all digital assets for broadcast deliverables and DVD mastering. You can work directly with us at our studios or through FTP servers and dedicated hard drives. We are comfortable in either case and we communicate with previews all through the process of designing your audio.
Michael Sidoric 78746 - Etats-unis
PROLocation audio recording and post production for high-end video and meeting environments
axmicler 75020 - France
PROCréations sonores pour le théâtre, la danse, la radio et la TV depuis 1984. Concepteur d'environnements sonores et visuels pour la rue et des lieux plus intimes…
Azatoth - Canada
badbrainzzz 75019 - France
Brad Brace 97219 - Etats-unis
BigRed - Pays-bas
PROBitword - Custom Sound Design and Synthesis. ReFills for Reason, Sample CDs and more.
brendanhogan 98107 - Etats-unis
PROBrendan Hogan is a sound designer, composer, arranger and instrumentalist based in Seattle, WA.
Simon Ball NONE - Irlande
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