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Membres > Musiciens > Réalisateurs

(361-375 sur 1624 résultats)
muziker 91311 - Etats-unis
PROComposer/Arranger/Producer - Keyboard player
wahwahwells - Australie
aligak -
r.dowska 75014 - France
PROComposer & Producer
kaykay 6330 -
play keys,trombone,trumpet,arranger,composer,producer...stage,studio artist...
Rabbirock 06824 - Etats-unis
PRORabbi Rock is a TV show broadcasting to major populations centers throughout North America. Check out --- Rabbi Rock is a recording artist who creates successful fusion compositions starting with Traditional Cantorial vocalizations and building the soundscape in support of said "authentic" rendition of harmonic material and NOT the other way around. Rabbi Praver is "Rabbi Rock" and is Senior Rabbi of Congregation Adath Israel of Newtown, CT. 203-209-4662 {rabbi's cell} (rabbi's e-mail address}
SMS303 3023EH - Pays-bas
I love acid house and trie to produce some by my self.
gracystudios 67203 - Etats-unis
Brallit 84084 - Etats-unis
Independent amateur electronica composer and producer
All Or Nuffin - Royaume-uni
i am a beat specialist wh sells his beats at
sanelectro 78501 - Etats-unis
jhamptone 38104 - Etats-unis
PROWorked at Ardent Studios Memphis 33+ years. Tech 1977-79 Head Tech 1980-85 Engineer1985 to present Producer 1987 to present. 5 Grammy wins, 27 gold/platinum records for engineering and production.
letibo 49100 - France
PROPremier bassiste de Magma, producteur, compositeur, ingé-son (Le Château d'Hérouville), réalisateur...
Logicpro1 98177 - Etats-unis
vietnam -
Macbook Pro 10.8.2 - Logic Pro 9 MicroKorg - midi 1x1 Tab Fender Stratocaster Fender Frontman 15 G Yamaha Eterna
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